206 #endif // _FUELCELL_SCALING__H
void scale_cell_matrix(MatrixVector &cell_matrices)
Function scales cell_matrix, typically called in cell_matrix().
std::map< std::string, double > ScalingMap
Map of the FuelCell::SystemManagement EquationNames (LHS) and their respective scaling factor...
Definition: scaling.h:200
FuelCell::SystemManagement * system_management
Pointer to the external YourApplication<dim>::system_management object.
Definition: scaling.h:190
void initialize(ParameterHandler ¶m)
Class used to read in data and initialize the necessary data to compute the coefficients.
std::vector< MatrixBlock< FullMatrix< double > > > MatrixVector
The matrix vector used in the mesh loops.
Definition: matrix_block.h:102
Scaling(FuelCell::SystemManagement &system_management)
void create_local_bdry_matrix(MatrixVector &local_bdry_matrices, MatrixVector &bdry_matrices)
Due to issues with MatrixVector this function, loops through all the blocks and correctly sizes local...
IMPORTANT: Add all new solution variables and equations here !
Definition: system_management.h:300
const bool get_apply_scaling_bool() const
Function to return applyScaling bool.
Definition: scaling.h:138
void scale_bdry_residual(FEVector &local_bdry_res, FEVector &bdry_res)
Function scales bdry_residual, typically called in bdry_residual().
Class used to store, read from file and define scaling factors to be applied to equations in equation...
Definition: scaling.h:99
BlockVector< double > FEVector
The vector class used by applications.
Definition: application_data.h:46
void scale_bdry_matrix(MatrixVector &local_bdry_matrices, MatrixVector &bdry_matrices)
Function scales bdry_matrix, typically called in bdry_matrix().
void declare_parameters(ParameterHandler ¶m) const
Declare all necessary parameters in order to compute the coefficients.
bool applyScaling
Bool to determine if user wants scalin to occur as based on parameter file.
Definition: scaling.h:195
void scale_cell_residual(FEVector &cell_res)
Function scales cell_residual, typically called in cell_residual().